When small veins gather right beneath the skin surface, causing blue, purple or red discolorations, one is thought to have spider veins. These superficial leg veins look like a spider’s web and that’s why they are called spider veins. Other names used to describe the same condition are telangiectasias, thread veins and sunburst veins. Sometimes they can be too tiny to be noticeable and other times they can be so visible that they may make you feel embarrassed. All the same, you only need to get rid of spider veins if you feel bad about them or when they have become painful.
Which areas get affected?
Thread veins mostly affect various parts of our legs: thighs, ankles and calves. In some cases, these veins develop on the face where they are likely to be so visible. In such a situation, one can see a vascular doctor in NYC for removal.
Who gets affected?
Men and women can have spider veins, of course, but the latter are more prone to them. Women’s reproductive hormones make them more prone to them than males. For instance, spider veins pregnancy problem is so common. That’s when reproductive hormones must keep increasing to protect and sustain a pregnancy. Besides acne, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation and other skin issues, pregnant mothers may see spider veins for the first time. Women who are getting older or have reached menopause can face the same problem too as well as those on hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills.
Moreover, some people are genetically prone to spider veins and varicose veins. There is not much they can do to help themselves other than to get rid of spider veins through the assistance of a specialist. Anybody who is overweight or obese has a bigger risk than someone who is physically fit. Additionally, men and women who work while standing up or sitting down for several hours are prone to poor blood circulation problems.
These might eventually lead to thread veins formation. Long term exposure to the sun is believed to be a cause of thread veins too. While all the above-mentioned factors are believed to trigger this problem, no vascular doctor in NYC or elsewhere knows their exact cause.
Can spider veins be confused for other spider veins?
Even if spider veins are referred to as telangieactasias, sometimes doctors make a distinction between them. Telangiectasias are described as dilated capillaries that appear very near the skin surface and mostly form on the face. On the other hand, spider veins are those abnormal veins that form on the legs and feet. Once you notice that you have any of these veins, visit a good vascular doctor in NYC.
He or she will get you the best cure. Angiomas(or hemangiomas) are small arteries known as arterioles or very tiny veins called venules and can look so much like spider veins. Some people have reticular veins and might think that they have thread veins. The thing to do before you get rid of spider veins is to see your vein doctor. He or she will carry out a thorough diagnosis to discover your problem and what’s causing it.
Signs that I have thread veins
If you have these tiny veins it will be easy to know. First, they look like red or bluish-purple blood capillaries. If you can see similar veins on your legs, thighs, feet, hands, forearms or face, then you are dealing with spider veins. While this might be the only signs you have, sometimes thread veins can get severe and cause discomfort. For instance, they might itch a lot when it is hot outside. They can also cause painful leg cramps at night, a burning sensation or a heaviness sensation in legs. If you get into a habit of walking a lot, the symptoms can go away without the need to get rid of spider veins medically.
When spider veins are on the face
If you have telangiectasias on your face, you are not the only victim. Many women and men have the same problem and it is triggered by sun exposure. Sunlight makes your skin cells that manufacture collagen (fibroblasts) to produce less collagen. So the skin gets thinner and less firm and this makes blood vessels that were once deeply hidden to become visible. That’s when those veins appear as spider veins on the nose, cheek, neck or around the face. Seeing a vascular doctor in NYC is an option but you should also buy the best sunscreen lotion available.
Spider veins pregnancy signs
As aforesaid, thread veins are common during pregnancy and can disappear after the childbirth. They affect the legs perhaps because of all the strain they have to endure during pregnancy. If you are having night cramps during pregnancy and are well-hydrated, perhaps you are developing thread veins. If these cramps are becoming a nuisance, then it is better to see a vascular doctor in NYC for a through diagnosis and management.
Chances are that you will be given prescription compression stockings to wear so as to boost your circulation in legs. If these don’t go away after pregnancy, your vein expert might want to get rid of spider veins the medical way. Some women who are not so lucky develop the larger varicose veins for the first time during pregnancy. These can affect the legs or the vulva area and can as well vanish after the child’s delivery.
If they refuse to go away, particularly if you have carried pregnancy more than once, the best solution is to consult a vascular doctor in NYC. Trunk varicose veins are several times larger than thread veins and they appear swollen and twisted. They are seen easily when a victim is asked to stand up or sit down with the legs dangling. Unlike spider veins, these require treatment if they fail to disappear on their own after pregnancy.
If they are ignored, they could trigger serious complications like venous leg ulcers, varicose eczema, vein bleeding, deep vein blood clots, skin discoloration, vein inflammation and more. Apart from wearing compression stockings during pregnancy, you might want to eat more vitamin C, elevate your legs, walk and take several breaks when working to boost blood flow. As well, wear shoes with a flatter heel to reduce leg strain and avoid crossing your legs when you sit down.
Once you give birth and a few months later you notice that the veins are still there, look for a good vascular vein doctor in NYC.
How spider veins are diagnosed
It is important to get rid of spider veins if you don’t want to live with them. They might be causing you pain and discomfort and you want to get healed. So, visit a vascular specialist in NYC and have your thread veins cured. Diagnosis is made mostly by just observation. Sometimes a venous Doppler ultrasound might be done to find out why you have spider veins and to discover other possible vein issues.
The best way to treat telangiectasias is through sclerotherapy. It is a safe and proven medical procedure that eliminates both symptoms and the underlying cause of abnormal veins. A short procedure that takes about thirty minutes, sclerotherapy is done at the doctor’s office. It is not painful and has a quick recovery time, ensuring that you go back to your daily chores soon. The procedure entails a sequence of injections via tiny needles and a sclerosing agent.
This is put directly into the spider vein so it can collapse and seal off completely. Sclerotherapy re-directs blood to healthier leg veins. It hardens and dries up the unhealthy veins. The treated veins then shrink and are absorbed by the body. Your vascular doctor in NYC will determine the best type of sclerosing chemical to use when treating you. Sometimes he or she may decide to do an ultrasound guided sclerotherapy procedure. This technology enables the doctor to have a live view of your vein’s inner structures and to inject the chemical into the exact locations that require treatment.
When ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy is chosen, a patient has larger veins to treat. Sometimes the selected vascular doctor in NYC will use both sclerotherapy and endovenous thermal ablation therapy at once. This is if you have larger varicose veins that might not respond to sclerotherapy treatment alone. Besides, two different procedures might be more effective than just one procedure. It is easy to recover from sclerotherapy if it is done by a vascular doctor in NYC who knows their job well.
That being said, you might want to know more about the well-known Dr. Michael Nguyen. He appears on TV and has written several medical journals. So he is a reputable and very-well educated vascular doctor who can get rid of spider veins and trunk veins for good.
Besides sclerotherapy, you might be treated via endovenous laser ablation therapy (EVLA). It is a procedure that uses direct light pulses released by a laser device to cure spider veins and medium-size varicose veins. It makes these veins have small clots in them, which causes permanent vein blockage. So the blood automatically re-routes to another vessel that is healthier.
If you want to be treated for cosmetic reasons, you are likely to see fifty to ninety percent improvement. All the same, an extensive area that is profoundly affected by thread veins might have to be treated severally or until the desired result is achieved. These treatments might discolor your skin for a couple of weeks or months, but the stains will eventually fade. The techniques can also get rid of spider veins forever, although they can attack new areas of your legs.
What if I ignore spider veins?
These are not a dangerous vein problem and can go away without treatment. Nevertheless, they might need closer attention if they are causing pain and discomfort and seem to be increasing. You should see a vascular doctor in NYC as soon as possible to have your abnormal vessels investigated. It could be that they are being caused by malfunctioning valves in your feeder veins. In such a situation, damaged valves in feeder veins will allow blood to flow backward instead of upward to the heart and lungs.
Due to this pooling blood, veins can become totally non-functional and appear more noticeably as spider veins. If damaged veins are the underlying cause, then it is highly possible that you are developing a venous reflux disease that might later lead to the development of larger varicose veins. In its advanced stage, the disease causes open and painful leg ulcers or wounds that doctors find harder to treat.
It also leads to other problems that worsen the legs’ appearance and causes a lot of pain. It would be best to get rid of spider veins now if they seem to worsen and cause terrible discomfort.
How to stay away from more spider veins
After you get rid of spider veins, there are things you should do to make sure that you don’t suffer from them again soon. These techniques will reduce your risk of having new thread veins and they include simple things as losing weight, exercising regularly, raising your legs, eating a balanced diet, wearing compression stockings and taking regular breaks when working. These breaks can also keep your lower back functioning properly as well as boost your blood circulation.
If you are genetically prone to spider veins and varicose veins, you can still do these simple things to get rid of spider veins and prevent them. They can prevent these abnormal veins from appearing too soon. Furthermore, pregnant women should just be patient as their veins could heal themselves after the childbirth. At the same time, they should do these easy things to manage their spider veins pregnancy symptoms and treat them later on if it will be necessary. Once your blood circulation in legs is good, having varicose veins of any size and severity will be hard.
Final word
People try to get rid of spider veins for different reasons. Some want to eliminate uncomfortable symptoms like pain, itch, swelling, heaviness and fatigue while others want to look more attractive. Whatever your reasons might be, make sure you select a well-educated and experienced vascular doctor in NYC today.