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For a long time, it seemed that varicose veins and spider veins were just a part of aging. Once you got them you just had to put up with them as there was nothing that could be done. Nowadays there are many treatments and each one is capable of dealing with the veins regardless of the stage they have reached. You can start the road to ridding yourself of the veins by visiting a vein doctor New Jersey and letting them decide what they will do for you.

First of all, it will help if they are sure that you have varicose veins, so the vein doctor New Jersey will need to carry out an examination as well as ask you a lot of questions. They will look at the veins to determine how far advanced they are and also want to know about your lifestyle. There are certain things that will make you more susceptible to developing varicose veins and they include: –

  • Gender – Women tend to suffer from varicose veins more than men do.
  • Age – By 50, there is a good chance that they will have begun to develop.
  • Weight – If you are overweight, there will be more pressure put on the valves and the veins will become damaged.
  • Pregnancy –While the weight gain will not always be permanent, there can be damage caused during the 9 months.
  • Clothing –Wearing tight clothes and high heeled shoes can cause problems so should be avoided especially if you detect signs of the veins becoming varicose.
  • Work related strain – If you work while sitting down or standing up for several hours, you are likely to develop varicosities.

If your vein doctor New Jersey decides that you have varicose veins and require further treatment, then they are likely to recommend you visit a vascular doctor in NJ. It makes sense to see a vascular specialist as they will have a lot more experience in this field than your general doctor will have. They will be able to treat anything to do with veins; so, varicose veins are going to be a condition they are used to dealing with.

Dr Faisal Siddiqi will be an ideal person to visit as he is an expert in venous surgery and pain management. When the person treating you is classed as a vascular specialist, you can be sure that they are the highest qualified doctors that you will be able to see. Their training is better, and their experience will be second to none and it will be best to see a vascular doctor in NJ.

Vascular Doctor in NJ Training

As with all doctors, a vein doctor New Jersey will attend medical school and learn about general surgery before taking up a fellowship in vascular surgery. They will then undergo a further 7 years of training before they are able to register as a board certified vascular surgeon. It could be that you want to have treatment on the varicose veins and are not sure which method will be the best for you. They will be able to discuss the options and depending upon the current condition of the varicose veins, will tell you which will be the most beneficial.

The vascular doctor in NJ should also let you know about the fact that most of the time you will have to pay for the treatment. If there are medical reasons why they have to be dealt with, then the insurance company will pay; but, if you just don’t like the way the legs look, then it is classed as cosmetic and the bill will be given to you.

Conditions Treated by Vascular Doctor in NJ

As well as treating varicose veins, there will be a lot of other conditions treated, but this does not mean that they will not be perfectly capable and prepared to deal with your varicose or spider veins. If you feel that you do not want to visit a specialist, you will still be able to find a vein doctor New Jersey who will do the work for you. As long as they are fully qualified, you will be fine to deal with them and they should be able to tell you everything that they will do. Although the vascular doctor in NJ will give you all the information, they will want you to be happy with what they are going to do.

If you are unsure about anything, just ask and you will soon know what to expect and why the treatment chosen is the best one for you under the circumstances. If they are minor, it could even be a cosmetic surgeon who will do the work, but when they are painful and advanced, you want to make sure that you are using a vascular doctor in NJ.

Understanding Varicose Veins

When the valves in the veins are damaged, they will not let blood flow back up the body the way that it should. The blood instead falls back the way it came and can end up pooling near to the ankles. As not all of it will be able to get back out, the affected veins will become enlarged and show through the skin. As well as not looking good, there can be more serious medical conditions suffered. The main ones will be:

  • Swelling –This can be in the legs and the feet. You should visit a vascular doctor in NJ.
  • Pain in the legs and the feeling that they are heavy and difficult to move correctly.
  • Throbbing sensation as well as cramp when you least expect it.
  • Itchiness especially around the ankles. Too often this is not seen as being a symptom of varicose veins, but simply seen as dry skin.
  • Discolored skin as blood pools around the ankles the skin takes on a red or brown hue.
  • These will not occur in all cases, but when they do it is important that they are dealt with right away. The vein doctor in NJ should deal with these veins quickly as they are going to cause you more problems than other symptoms of varicose veins.

Types of Treatment

  • VNUS Radiofrequency Ablation

This is a minimally invasive treatment and there is no need to visit a big hospital to have it carried out. It will make the legs look a lot better and will also stop the problem getting worse. Other symptoms will be quelled, and you can carry on as usual. A puncture hole will be made into the leg by the vein doctor New Jersey and a small catheter will be placed inside it. As the radiofrequency reaches the vein, it will start to seal up. As you will be medicated for the procedure you will not feel anything.

There is no need to worry about the blood that should have been going through that vein, as it will find another one and carry on as normal. Most of the time, you will only be having treatment for around a quarter of an hour and once finished, there will not be the need to rest for long. Within reason, you can carry on with normal activities the same day. This is one procedure that may be covered by your insurance as it will not be carried out on small veins.

Input from your vascular doctor in NJ should help with the insurance company as if they tell them that you need to have this treatment, it is more likely that there will be funding than if you just tell them you are having it done.

  • Phlebectomy

This is the treatment that will often be selected to deal with the veins if they have become large. They are not going to be treated and left to blend into the body, but will be taken out altogether by the vascular doctor in NJ. It is not a major operation and in most cases the cuts are going to be that small that they will not even require a stitch being put in. Again, there will be no need to go into the hospital as it can be done there – you will only be treated as an outpatient, but it can also be done in the vein doctors New Jersey’s surgery.

The area is going to be numbed as expected and you will be provided with medication for afterwards, just in case there is a tingling or slight pain where the vein was ripped out. The amount of time that it will take to recover is going to vary and will depend upon the number of veins that are taken out at the one time. As long as it is not several and you are feeling ok once you have left the doctor’s office, you should be able to carry on with your life right away.

It is possible that you will be able to have this treatment paid for by your insurance company if you are prepared to spend time wearing compression stockings before-hand. They will fit snugly on the legs and can help support the veins. Most of the time it is expected that you will have to try this method for around 90 days before seeking medical procedures be carried out by a vascular doctor in NJ.

  • Sclerotherapy

This form of treatment can be used to treat varicose veins and is also ideal when the problem is spider veins. They can be found anywhere on the body, but it tends to be the legs and thighs where they appear the most. The vein is not removed from the body, but is attacked by a chemical that is placed into it via a tiny needle that is put in the leg via the skin. The vein doctor New Jersey will give you all the information you need before the treatment starts. Dr Caroline Novak will be the person to visit if you choose this form of treatment.

The vein walls heat up and start to stick together. Once this happens, it is not possible for blood to enter them and it has to find another way to get back to the heart. Sometimes there will have to be a number of treatments to make sure that all of the damaged veins can be treated.

  • Vein Stripping

Here the veins will be taken out of the body totally by the vein doctor New Jersey and this is a much more serious procedure than any of the others. You will need to go to hospital and it will require you to be under general anaesthetic. When this is considered the best form of treatment, it will be because they are particularly long veins that have become damaged and they may not be absorbed into the body in the same way that smaller veins will. Once the procedure has finished you will find that not only do the legs look better, but the symptoms that came along with the varicose veins will be dealt with as well.

It is not that often that vein stripping is carried out nowadays by a vascular doctor in NJ, as there are much easier and less invasive procedures that are working just as well. If there are reasons why the others are not going to be suitable, then it is still an option. If you do this, you have to accept that it is a much bigger operation than the others, but your vein doctor New Jersey should explain this to you in advance. You will likely need to take time away from work and could even need someone to be with you for the first day or so as it will not be easier for you to get around. In a lot of cases you will need to take around a week off work.

Once the treatment has finished, the vein doctor New Jersey may want you to comeback for a check-up. It will be to make sure that the incisions they had made cleared up properly and also to see if there needs to be any follow up treatment to deal with veins that may have been missed or were too small to deal with first time around you were treated by a vascular doctor in NJ. Once you have been through the first round of treatment, you will understand how painless it is to go through.

A Vein Doctor New Jersey and the Work of a Vascular Doctor in NJAndre