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One of the most prevalent vein problems is spider veins. A form of smaller varicose veins, spider veins do cause a certain degree of discomfort. Their other names are thread veins, sunburst veins and telangiectasia. As with other bigger varicose veins, thread veins affect more women than men all through their reproductive years and after. They can be unsightly, especially, if they develop on your face, and it is important to learn how to get rid of spider veins.

How spider veins look like

These abnormal leg veins are small in size just like your blood capillaries. They can be blue or red and appear right beneath the skin surface. Thread veins are called spider veins because they take the shape of a spider’s web. They form in clusters and can affect a large area of your leg. Sometimes they have the shape of a tree branch. Mostly, they appear on the thigh, behind your knee, on the calf, and ankles and feet area. While seeing a vein doctor in NJ is not a must, you should do it if your veins have become awfully painful and uncomfortable.

Otherwise, wait and see if your spider veins will disappear without treatment. Alternatively, you can learn how to get rid of spider veins at home and practice the ideas.

Comparing spider veins and varicose veins

The two are different in some ways. First of all, varicose veins appear when your superficial veins become swollen, enlarged and twisted. Superficial veins are so near the skin surface. If you have varicose veins, also called trunk varicose veins, they will likely appear on the back of your calves and inner legs. They tend to have a bluish-purple color and protrude so much that you and other people can notice them. It is important to see a vein doctor in NJ therefore, if you suspect that you have varicose veins as they will not go away without treatment. They tend to cause more severe symptoms and can also appear without causing any symptoms. Varicose veins affect legs, buttocks and vulva area.

On the other hand, spider veins are a form of varicose veins that appear smaller and less serious. They do not protrude like trunk varicose veins and can exist without causing pain. While these can be caused by the same disease that causes varicose veins (chronic venous insufficiency), their true cause remains unknown. They are thought to appear when there is a leg injury or affect an area that is exposed to the sunlight. That’s why they are referred to as sunburst veins. They can appear on your face, hands and/or legs. If you are self-conscious about your thread veins, it is important to discover how to get rid of spider veins to improve their appearance.

Why do people get thread veins?

If you have these and are investigating how to get rid of spider veins, the following could be the reasons why. One thing thought to cause them is damaged valves in the veins. This is the main cause of trunk varicose veins too. If your valves are weakened or impaired, they will open to let venous blood pass but will not close afterwards. So the blood will flow backward and pool in a leg vein. As a result of the pooling blood, the pressure will mount and cause the vein walls to swell a bit and become visible on the skin surface.

In case this is what is happening to you, it’s hard to know until you visit a vein doctor in NJ. And if this is the cause, your doctor will recommend immediate treatment to control the underlying disease. If you are genetically predisposed, there is nothing you can do to stop either spider veins or trunk varicose veins. They will develop if they are meant to. Additionally, those who stand up for hours when working or sit down all through the day are likely to develop telangiectasias. Other triggers are aging, obesity, pregnancy, and exposure to the sun.

Is there a way to reduce your risk?

The answer is yes and no. First, if you are having them because they run in your family, there is no way to stop them from developing. As a female who is pregnant, strange things and pains will appear and there is nothing you can do to stop them because they are triggered by the ever-increasing reproductive hormones. All you can do is to lift your legs a few times every day to reduce the ankles swelling caused by spider veins.

On the other hand, if you are having thread veins because of a certain behavior, such as standing up or sitting down for hours, you only need to learn how to get rid of spider veins without treatment. For instance, you can take a rest every thirty minutes to reduce the strain. If you work while standing up, try to move around, sitting down a little bit and/or stepping on a footstool when working. This will considerably reduce strain. Conversely, if you work while sitting down, stand up every few minutes and move around.

When seated, try to do simple exercises that can prevent your legs from straining too much. As an obese person, do all you can to drop some weight and you will see a big improvement. If you are on bed rest due to surgery or another disease, a vein doctor in NJ will know how to stop your vein issues from worsening.

Simple tricks to manage your spider veins at home

As a person who is struggling with thread veins, you might want to know how to get rid of spider veins without treatment. There are easy steps you can take to manage their symptoms and don’t be surprised if they start to disappear. These include the following.

  • Alleviate pressure on legs – Follow the tips mentioned above if you work while standing or sitting down for several hours.
  • Wear compression stockings – Perhaps you are always asking yourself this question: do compression socks help varicose veins? The answer is yes, they do. The first step is to get the right stockings for your vein problem. If you don’t feel confident purchasing them, visit a vein doctor in NJ and they will prescribe the right medical-grade compression hose. Some are thigh-high and others are knee-high. So your vein doctor in NJ will determine what could help you best. Compression stockings can be so beneficial when it comes to enhancing blood circulation and alleviating pressure that is affecting your leg veins.


The prescription type is the best when it comes to applying maximum pressure, followed by over-the-counter gradient stockings. If you have support pantyhose, you can wear it meanwhile, but it will not apply enough pressure where it is needed to improve blood flow and reduce swelling. Pantyhose will apply the least amount of pressure all over the leg.

  • Elevate your feet – Ensure that you do this as a habit every single day. Leg elevation is a good way to reduce pressure from the legs and pelvic area and improve blood circulation. So prop up your feet above your heart’s level and place a pillow beneath your legs when sleeping. This will boost blood flow and prevent your legs from swelling. Head elevation during sleep is thought to improve the appearance of spider veins on the face. If you want to know how to get rid of spider veins at home, feet elevation is a good trick.
  • Workout regularly – There are particular exercises designed for people with varicose veins. If you do these regularly, chances are that your spider veins will go away without ever seeing a vein doctor in NJ. For instance, you can try peddling your legs. Lie down on the floor, place your hands beneath your buttocks or on your sides and lift your legs in the air. Peddle each leg at a time the same way you do a bicycle until you notice that the blood flow has increased.


Leg lifts can also be helpful and you need to lie down on the floor, place your hands under your buttocks and raise one leg perpendicularly. Hold it in this position until you feel blood flowing down your leg from the foot and ankle area. Place this leg down and raise the other one.

In addition to doing exercises, you should walk often and swim as often as you can. If you wish to lift weights, have a talk with a vein doctor in NJ first. This is because weight lifting can worsen your varicose veins, especially, if you are using heavy weights. Light weights are fine as long as they are teamed up with a helpful exercise.

Running and jogging may be too strenuous and might do worse than good if you have big varicose veins. So, it is advisable to jog on top of a softer surface to protect your joints and veins from the impact. But, to be totally sure about your safety when running or jogging, have a talk with your vein doctor in NJ first.

How to get rid of spider veins medically

If you still want to treat your thread veins, doctors are ready to help you. They have less invasive techniques that don’t even require a patient to be hospitalized. These procedures are performed in the doctor’s office and are often over in just about an hour or less than an hour. The amount of time your vein doctor in NJ might spend treating you will depend on how extensively your thread veins have formed.



The most suggested and used technique as far as how to get rid of spider veins is sclerotherapy. This is a common technique to cure spider veins and one of the most effective ways to eliminate them for good. It entails injections with a chemical that destroys your veins for good. While doctors used only liquid sclerosing agents in the past, now they are using foam to carry out the procedure. It is so effective that it is now one of the best cures for trunk varicose veins. Once a vein has been treated via sclerotherapy, it fades from the scene in a matter of weeks.

The blood that used to flow through this vein then finds another healthier vein to pass through. Sclerotherapy is so beneficial and it is the solution for how to get of spider veins quickly. Moreover, you can go back to work as soon as your treatment is over and suffer from few or no side effects at all. If you have a lot of spider veins you might require up to four sessions to successfully eliminate them. Since a single treatment takes twenty to forty minutes, there is no downtime at all.

Sclerotherapy is done with tiny needles and you might experience a little pain due to needle pricks. However, the discomfort is much more bearable than the discomfort caused by spider veins or varicose veins. As for your recovery, your vein doctor in NJ will recommend wearing compression stockings.

Do compression socks help varicose veins by preventing them from coming back too soon after treatment? You may be asking yourself this question and the answer is yes. Spider veins will rarely recur and if they do, you can seek your doctor’s help. If stockings are worn as soon as you receive treatment for a period of two weeks, the recovery process will be quick and easier. The stockings will improve blood circulation and prevent blood clots formation.

Make sure you walk often after treatment and keep away from any strenuous activity like running or lifting weights. If you notice mild side effects such as stinging, bruising, fatigue and swelling at the injection site, feet or ankle area, don’t panic. These will be gone in a few weeks time. However, if they worsen, the right action to take is to go back to your vein specialist. If you want to know how to get rid of spider veins fully, ask your doctor about sclerotherapy.


Spider veins are not a life-threatening condition, of course, and they can even disappear without being treated. However, it is still necessary to know how to get rid of spider veins with or without seeking the assistance of a vascular specialist. You can exercise, elevate your legs, wear compression stockings, take frequent breaks when working and strive to lose weight. If you want a quick solution however, go to a varicose veins treatment center near you for sclerotherapy treatment.

Do Compression Socks Help Varicose Veins? – Find This Out as Well as How a Vein Doctor in NJ Can Do To Assist YouAndre