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Laser treatment for spider veins: Will it work for me?

harvard trained vein doctors | voted #1 vein center | spider and varicose vein treatment center

What are the indications for getting laser treatment for spider veins? A top vascular surgeon answers

If you have spider veins, you would definitely want to get them removed. Getting rid of spider veins can make you look younger, and feel better. When you talk of getting rid of spider veins, laser seems to be the number one option on everyone’s list. But is this the right treatment for you? The following tips should help you answer that!

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Laser treatment for spider veins: Where are your veins located?

Laser treatment is a non-invasive method of treating your spider veins. This method utilizes a blue laser light, and the area of your body that has spider veins is merely exposed to this light. The laser energy penetrates the skin and reaches the spider veins, which respond by shrinking in size. This method does not need injections, or any form of injectable medication.

Most vein specialists prefer laser treatment if the spider veins are located on your face or on your feet. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, the skin over these areas is thin and delicate, so non-invasive therapy would be less risky to use in this location. Secondly, in the face, the veins may communicate closely with veins of the eye and brain. The vein specialist may not want to use therapeutic injections (which is the other alternative), as there is a risk that these injections could be transmitted to these organs.

However, if you have spider veins on your legs, your vein specialist might recommend other forms of treatment over laser therapy.

Laser treatment for spider veins: Are you prepared to sit through three to four sessions?

Laser energy causes the spider veins to shrink, but not completely disappear. You will need at least three to four sessions of laser treatment if you want to shrink the spider veins to the extent that they completely disappear. With a single session, the veins may marginally improve in appearance, but the results are not usually very satisfactory. Keep in mind that you will need to devote not only time, but also an adequate budget for three to four sessions. Most vein clinics charge you for a single session.

Varicose and Spider Veins | Vein Diseases

When should you choose other forms of treatment instead?

If your spider veins are on your legs or thighs, you should probably go for an alternate form of treatment, called sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy is actually the first choice for spider vein treatment. Most vein specialists choose laser treatment only when this is contraindicated for any reason.

Sclerotherapy uses a medicated solution that is to be injected directly into the spider vein. This medicated solution, called sclerosant, is designed to irritate the vein lining. The vein walls swell in response, and stick to each other. This cuts off blood flow within the spider vein, and the vein shrinks over time.

Most of the time, you only ever need a single session of sclerotherapy for your spider veins. One session gives you results equivalent to three to four rounds of laser therapy. While the cost for each individual session may be higher with sclerotherapy, you end up spending more for laser treatment (both in terms of time and money) to get the same results.

Apart from sclerotherapy or laser treatment, will I need other treatment for spider veins?

Spider veins are often associated with another vein condition, called chronic venous insufficiency (CVS). In CVS, larger veins of the leg, called the saphenous veins, become inefficient. This means that they no longer transport blood back to the heart properly. Impure blood starts to collect in the leg veins, which expands the veins and increases vein pressure. the excess blood sometimes forces the formation of tiny, defective veins which appear underneath your skin as spider veins.

If you treat only spider veins, and do not address the underlying CVS, chances that that new spider veins will form after some time. So if you have CVS, you will need to get it treated. This is usually done by sealing off the larger leg vein itself. Once this is done, the blood finds its way to deeper, healthier veins, and the problem gets resolved.

Choosing a method of treatment for spider veins is not an easy task – get a vein doctor to help you make this decision!

After reading all of the information above, you may still be unsure of the kind of vein treatment you need. The best thing to do is to put this decision in the hands of an experienced vein doctor. When choosing a treatment plan, a vein doctor takes several factors into consideration:

  • The size of your spider veins
  • The part of your body where the spider veins are located
  • Whether or not you have CVS
  • Your past medical history

So the best course of action would be to fix an appointment with an experienced vein doctor, who can put together a tailored treatment plan for you.

The Vein Treatment Clinic offers state of the art treatment for spider veins and varicose veins. All our doctors are board certified physicians with vast experience in diagnosing and managing vein conditions. VTC offers the latest and most advanced treatment options for vein diseases. With branches in multiple locations, you can easily choose a clinic that is near you! To consult with our vein experts, book an appointment online, or call 855-807-4936.

Book a Consultation

Scheduling a consultation with one of our vein treatment experts is one of the best ways to determine the proper resolution for your varicose veins. The treatments can include sclerotherapy, laser or radiofrequency ablation, a medication called Varithena, or procedures such as Venaseal, or Clarivein.

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Laser treatment for spider veins: Will it work for me?VTC