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5 Questions That Everyone Has When They Visit a Varicose Vein Clinic in California – Answered by a Top Vein Doctor.

spider and varicose vein treatment center

Everyone who has varicose veins has doubts as to whether or not they need treatment, and what the treatment process is like. Here are five of the top questions that everyone asks – and their answers.

1. Do I have varicose veins that warrant treatment at a varicose vein clinic in California? 

Everyone who has varicose veins should ideally seek treatment at a professional vein clinic. That said, the urgency of treatment may vary. For some patients, varicose veins are merely a cosmetic problem – the sight of twisted, swollen bulging veins can be unappealing. They may not necessarily have the classic symptoms – swollen legs and throbbing pain – that others have. Although these patients may need to seek treatment eventually, it is not urgent. Others, however, may already be suffering from painful symptoms, and may have developed additional complications, such as discolored skin, or non-healing wounds. For these patients, varicose veins must ideally be treated as soon as possible.

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2. How can varicose vein treatment help me?

Varicose vein treatment can greatly improve the quality of your life, by reducing painful symptoms. Here are some of the benefits of treating varicose veins:

  • Your legs and ankles will not swell up after you have been on your feet for long periods.
  • You can walk for longer without your legs developing fatigue, or ‘giving way’.
  • You will no longer get leg cramps, or throbbing pain in your legs.
  • Your legs look better, and feel lighter.
If you are seeking varicose vein treatment, you probably have a lot of questions to be answered. Here we answer five top questions that are usually asked while visiting a varicose vein clinic in California.

3. What happens if I do not get my varicose veins treated?

If you do not seek varicose vein treatment, over a period of time, the blood that is pooled in your legs can break down into toxic products, and can even form blood clots, cutting off circulation. This puts you at risk for several nasty complications, including the following:

Discolored skin: The blood products accumulate beneath the skin, causing it to turn a reddish-brown color. The texture of the skin also changes, and it can feel rough and leathery.

Increasing pain: The swollen veins can throb painfully throughout the day. The toxic products can also affect the leg muscles, causing them to cramp.

Profuse bleeding: Swollen varicose veins tend to thin out the overlying skin. A mild injury or even a scrape can cause the vein to burst, leading to profuse bleeding which can only be managed in an emergency room.

Deep vein thrombosis: The pooled blood can clot, and this clot can move to the deeper leg veins, causing leg swelling and pain. Sometimes, the clot can break free and travel to the heart and lungs, and can even block blood circulation there. This extremely dangerous condition, called pulmonary embolism, can cause breathlessness, chest pain, and even sudden death.

4. What is the treatment method followed to treat varicose veins? 

Varicose veins are treated using minimally invasive treatment options. The defective veins are accessed through a single skin puncture, and a flexible tube, called a catheter, is inserted into the vein. The vein is treated from within, via the catheter. The treatment usually seals off the vein completely, so that the blood can find an alternate, healthier route back to the heart. Some popular minimally invasive treatment options include:

  • Radiofrequency ablation: Uses heat from radiofrequency waves to seal the vein.
  • Endovenous laser ablation: Uses heat from laser energy.
  • VenaSeal: Medicated glue physically blocks off the defective vein.
  • ClariVein: A medicated liquid, called sclerosant, is dispersed using a catheter with a rotating head.
  • Varithena: Medicated foam is directly injected to seal off residual varicose veins 

What are the complications of varicose vein treatment? 

Minimally invasive vein treatment is usually an extremely safe procedure. There may be a small amount of pain and swelling. This is easily controlled by prescription medication, which your vein physician will provide after the procedure. You may also be required to wear compression stockings for a few weeks after the procedure – this controls the swelling and provides more effective results. 

Vein Treatment Clinic: experience state of the art varicose vein treatment in California 

The Vein Treatment Clinics, operated by the VIP Medical Group, are present in prominent locations all across the country. The Vein Treatment Clinic in California has on board two highly skilled, double-board certified vein specialists, who strongly believe in patient centered care:

  • Dr. Billy Schoenfeld: Trained at Harvard, Dr. Schoenfeld is one of our most experienced doctors
  • Dr. Jasmine Koo: A kind and compassionate doctor, who trained at Chicago Medical School.

In California, our vein clinic is located in La Jolla, just outside San Diego. A short distance away from the Torrey Pines Beach State Park, it is also located near The Westfield UTC shopping Center. You can schedule a consultation with one of our experts at this location by calling 858-859-9634, or booking an appointment online.

To learn more about our accredited vein centers, please visit www.veintreatmentclinic.com. Our spider and varicose vein treatment clinics are certified by the IAC as vascular imaging centers and vein treatment centers of excellence. We have local affiliates in New York, Long Island, New Jersey, Texas and California, all of which are held to the highest standards of patient-centered, compassionate, care. We offer the latest technology at every location, and our harvard-trained medical directors lead a collaborative effort to ensure the best outcome for every patient we meet.

Book a Consultation

Scheduling a consultation with one of our vein treatment experts is one of the best ways to determine the proper resolution for your varicose veins. The treatments can include sclerotherapy, laser or radiofrequency ablation, a medication called Varithena, or procedures such as Venaseal, or Clarivein.

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5 Questions That Everyone Has When They Visit a Varicose Vein Clinic in California – Answered by a Top Vein Doctor.VTC