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What’s the Best Spider and Varicose Vein Clinic in NYC?

spider and varicose vein treatment center

Introducing The Best Spider and Varicose Vein Clinic in NYC

Vein Treatment Clinic is widely considered the best spider and varicose vein clinic in NYC. But you don’t have to take our word for it — you can go through our 5-star ratings and testimonials from patients. Our varicose vein treatment center has established a strong reputation for personally-customized minimally invasive vein treatment plans that address your specific vein problems, concerns, and expectations.

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Our top vein clinic is led by some of the country’s best board-certified and Ivy League-educated vein doctors, including Dr. Michael Nguyen, Dr. Juan Montoya, and Dr. Sareh Rajaee. Our doctors carefully examine your leg veins and symptoms, administer the latest vascular imaging diagnostic tests, and recommend the latest minimally invasive varicose vein treatments, including radiofrequency ablation, endovenous laser ablation, and VenaSeal.

Our state-of-the-art spider and varicose vein clinic is equipped with cutting-edge technologies necessary to treat vein problems, including VNUS, ClariVein, and ClosureFAST. We also accept all major insurance plans, and our vein care staff actively helps you get the best insurance coverage possible. All things considered, we ensure that your varicose vein treatment experience is physically and emotionally comfortable.

This article introduces you to Vein Treatment Clinic, the best spider and varicose vein clinic in NYC. We also answer some of the top vein treatment questions.

Vein Treatment Clinic is one of the most accessible vein centers in New York because it’s located in Midtown Manhattan, a short walk from iconic landmarks like Madison Square Park and Hudson Yards. If you’re suffering from vein problems, please schedule a consultation with our exceptional vein doctors today. You may also read the rest of this article for medically-sound information on varicose vein treatments.

What’s the difference between spider and varicose veins?

Spider veins are clusters of thin web-like blood vessels visible on the skin’s surface. Varicose veins are large blood vessels that protrude from the skin’s surface, resembling dense masses of twisted and knotted ropes. The primary visual difference between spider and varicose veins is that spider veins don’t bulge outwards while varicose veins clearly protrude outwards.

What’s the importance of seeking spider and varicose vein treatments?

Treating spider and varicose veins is crucial because they’re indicative of chronic venous insufficiency, a dangerous circulatory disorder caused by the collapse of your vein valves. In healthy veins, the vein valves act like controlling mechanisms that ensure smooth one-way blood circulation to the heart, preventing blood from flowing backward due to gravity. However, venous insufficiency is a condition when the vein valves collapse, causing blood to accumulate in your leg veins. The continued accumulation of blood in your leg veins leads to vein dilations, which, in turn, leads to spider and varicose veins.

Venous insufficiency is a chronic condition that worsens with time. Initially, vein disease may lead to fairly benign symptoms, like spider veins, leg pain, restless legs syndrome, leg heaviness, throbbing leg veins, etc. If left untreated, vein disease continues worsening until you suffer from varicose veins, profuse bleeding due to burst varicose veins, skin disease, skin discoloration, leg ulcers, and deep vein thrombosis. Over time, the accumulated blood may harden in your leg veins — if these blood clots break away, they may travel to your lungs, leading to a potentially fatal pulmonary embolism. That’s why spider and varicose vein treatments are crucial.

Why do board-certified vein doctors recommend minimally invasive vein treatments instead of surgery?

The best board-certified vein doctors always recommend minimally invasive vein treatments instead of surgery because they’re far better in every single aspect. Vascular surgeries are relatively ineffective, require hospitalization, and they carry a significant risk of complications. As such, you should avoid vein doctors and vein centers that still recommend varicose vein surgery.

Minimally invasive varicose vein treatments, however, have a nearly perfect success rate. They cause minimal pain and discomfort, have a negligible risk of infections, and they conclude within an hour with no downtime. Minimally invasive varicose vein treatments are also eligible for insurance coverage — radiofrequency ablation and endovenous laser ablation are covered by most insurance plans.

What are the best minimally invasive spider and varicose vein treatments?

Radiofrequency ablation, endovenous laser ablation, and VenaSeal are the best minimally invasive varicose vein treatments. During these procedures, the vein doctors use thermal energy (radiofrequency ablation), laser energy (endovenous laser ablation), or medical-grade adhesives (VenaSeal) to seal or collapse the diseased vein’s walls. Once the diseased vein is removed, the accumulated blood flows to healthier veins, restoring smooth blood circulation to the heart.

Sclerotherapy and ambulatory phlebectomy are the best minimally invasive treatments for the superficial varicose veins and spider veins left after the primary treatment. During ambulatory phlebectomy, the vein doctor removes the superficial varicose veins through incisions on the skin’s surface. During sclerotherapy, the vein doctor injects a medicine called sclerosant into the spider veins to harden them into scar tissues that eventually get absorbed by the body, fading away from the skin.

What’s the importance of finding board-certified vein specialists?

Board certification isn’t necessary to practice vein care and vein treatments. In fact, plenty of reputable, experienced, and talented vein doctors aren’t board-certified. However, board certification serves as an objective guarantor of quality and skills. To get board-certified, vein doctors must go through several challenging professional milestones. They must complete their residencies and fellowships from reputable institutes, specialize in minimally invasive procedures, and they must remain abreast of the latest developments in the field of vein care. As such, board-certified vein doctors are some of the most experienced and skilled vein doctors around.

To learn more about our accredited vein centers, please visit www.veintreatmentclinic.com. Our spider and varicose vein treatment clinics are certified by the IAC as vascular imaging centers and vein treatment centers of excellence. We have local affiliates in New York, Long Island, New Jersey, Texas and California, all of which are held to the highest standards of patient-centered, compassionate, care. We offer the latest technology at every location, and our harvard-trained medical directors lead a collaborative effort to ensure the best outcome for every patient we meet.

Book a Consultation

Scheduling a consultation with one of our vein treatment experts is one of the best ways to determine the proper resolution for your varicose veins. The treatments can include sclerotherapy, laser or radiofrequency ablation, a medication called Varithena, or procedures such as Venaseal, or Clarivein.

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What’s the Best Spider and Varicose Vein Clinic in NYC?VTC