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What are the Qualities of the Best Varicose Vein Treatment Center? Vein Doctor Answers Frequently Asked Questions

spider and varicose vein treatment center

What are the Qualities of the Best Varicose Vein Treatment Center?

Do you need varicose vein treatment because you’re suffering from varicose veins and spider veins?

If so, it’s crucial to find the best vein specialists and varicose vein treatment clinic.

The following are some of the most important qualities to consider when looking for the best varicose vein treatment center.

  • Board Certified Doctors: You must find a varicose vein treatment clinic that has board-certified doctors. While board certification isn’t necessary to practice vein treatment, it’s an indication that the vein doctor is skilled and experienced.
  • ABVLM Vein Specialists: The American Board of Venous Medicine identifies and recognizes the best vein specialists for their contribution to the field of vein care. You must find such diplomat-certified vein specialists.
  • State-of-the-Art Vein Clinic: You must look for varicose vein treatment clinics with state-of-the-art infrastructure and technologies, such as VNUS, ClariVein, and ClosureFAST.
  • Diagnosis of Varicose Veins and Spider Veins: The varicose vein treatment clinic must run a vascular imaging test to diagnose the root cause of varicose veins and spider veins. Doing so will allow them to identify potential vein disease, and thus curate the ideal treatment plan for you.
  • Minimally Invasive Procedures: The best varicose vein treatment clinics will only recommend minimally invasive procedures such as sclerotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, endovenous laser ablation, and VenaSeal. All of these minimally invasive procedures are non-surgical, painless, safe, and they conclude within an hour with no downtime.
  • Insurance Coverage: Your varicose vein treatment center must accept all major insurance plans and help you get the best insurance coverage for your treatment.

Now that you understand how to find the best varicose vein treatment center, you may have some other questions about varicose vein treatments.

In this article, our vein doctor will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about varicose veins and spider veins.

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What Causes Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins and spider veins are caused by an underlying circulatory disorder known as chronic venous insufficiency.

Venous insufficiency is a circulatory disorder in which your vein valves collapse. These vein valves are generally responsible for smooth blood circulation to the heart. They act like one-way doors, i.e., they allow blood to flow to the heart, but prevent it from flowing back due to gravity.

When your vein valves collapse, gravity forces blood to flow backward and accumulate in your leg veins.

Over time, as more blood accumulates in your leg veins, it applies pressure on your vein walls, leading to vein dilation and the formation of varicose veins and spider veins.  

How to Prevent Varicose Veins?

There are no sure means of preventing varicose veins. You may suffer from varicose veins and vein disease because of a combination of several factors like genetic background, biological sex, medical history, etc.

However, the following lifestyle changes and tips will help you prevent varicose veins:

  • Exercise regularly, especially exercises that work your calf muscles, like yoga, swimming, and cycling.
  • Prevent obesity and watch your weight.
  • Ensure you eat a balanced diet high on fibers and low on salt.
  • Don’t wear high heels or tight hosiery that restrict blood flow.
  • Elevate your legs while sitting.
  • Don’t sit or stand still for long periods.
Do you have questions about varicose veins and spider veins? In this article, we answer several vein disease FAQs, including how to find the best varicose vein treatment center.

How to Soothe Varicose Vein Pain?

Varicose veins can cause considerable pain. You may experience varicose vein pain symptoms like heavy legs, frequent leg cramps, throbbing veins, and swollen ankles and feet.

The following tips will help you relieve varicose vein pain:

  • Keep your legs elevated while sitting.
  • Exercise regularly and stretch your legs.
  • Shower with cold water to shrink your leg veins.
  • Wear compression stockings because they apply pressure on your leg veins and facilitate blood circulation.

How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins?

The only effective means of getting rid of varicose veins is to schedule an appointment with the best vein center in your location. You must find the best vein doctors who provide minimally invasive varicose vein treatments.

You must avoid varicose vein surgery because that’s risky and relatively ineffective. Instead, you must opt for minimally invasive varicose vein treatments such as radiofrequency ablation, endovenous laser ablation, and VenaSeal.

During these minimally invasive procedures, the vein doctor will use heat energy, laser therapy, or medical adhesives to shut down the affected saphenous vein. The accumulated blood will reroute to healthier veins, thus restoring smooth blood circulation to the heart.

After the varicose vein treatment, the vein doctor will use sclerotherapy to treat the visible spider veins. During the sclerotherapy procedure, the vein doctor will inject a medicine into the spider veins to turn them into scar tissues that eventually get absorbed by the body and fade away.

What is the Best Varicose Vein Treatment Center?

Vein Treatment Clinic is one of the best varicose vein treatment centers in the US. Our varicose vein treatment clinic has some of the best vein doctors who have a perfect track record after treating hundreds of patients. For more information, please schedule an appointment today. 

To learn more about our accredited vein centers, please visit www.veintreatmentclinic.com. Our spider and varicose vein treatment clinics are certified by the IAC as vascular imaging centers and vein treatment centers of excellence. We have local affiliates in New York, Long Island, New Jersey, Texas and California, all of which are held to the highest standards of patient-centered, compassionate, care. We offer the latest technology at every location, and our harvard-trained medical directors lead a collaborative effort to ensure the best outcome for every patient we meet.

Book a Consultation

Scheduling a consultation with one of our vein treatment experts is one of the best ways to determine the proper resolution for your varicose veins. The treatments can include sclerotherapy, laser or radiofrequency ablation, a medication called Varithena, or procedures such as Venaseal, or Clarivein.

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What are the Qualities of the Best Varicose Vein Treatment Center? Vein Doctor Answers Frequently Asked QuestionsVTC