What Is the Best Treatment Available for Varicose Veins in San Diego? A Top Vein Doctor Answers.
With so many treatment options for varicose veins available today, choosing the right kind of treatment may present a problem. While your vein doctor would definitely be able to guide you, we list the most preferred procedures below.
No-anesthesia minimally invasive treatment procedures:
There are two minimally invasive vein treatment procedures that are most preferred by vein doctors, because they are so comfortable that they eliminate the need for even a numbing injection. These procedures can be done in a single sitting at any outpatient vein clinic.
1. VenaSeal
Most vein specialists consider VenaSeal the best treatment option for varicose veins. In this procedure, your defective veins are accessed through a small flexible catheter, which is inserted through a tiny skin puncture. Through this catheter, small drops of medicated glue are delivered throughout the length of the vein. Pressure is then applied from outside to collapse the vein for a few minutes. During this time, the glue hardens, and the vein walls stick to each other, sealing off the vein.
Because Venaseal glue creates an instant seal, your veins do not have to go through a process of scarring and healing, which is inevitable for all the other vein treatment procedures. As a result, your post-treatment course is a lot more comfortable! You will have far less pain and swelling, and you do not even need to wear compression stockings for a few weeks following the procedure.
2. Clarivein:
This procedure uses a special catheter, called the ClariVein catheter. This catheter has a rotating tip. After inserting this catheter into the defective vein, a medicated solution called sclerosant is delivered into the vein. The rotating tip disperses the sclerosant in all directions, throughout the length of the vein.
Unlike VenaSeal, sclerosant causes the veins to swell up, scar and eventually stick together. Because of the ‘scar and heal’ process, there will be a small amount of pain and swelling after the procedure which is, however, easily tolerated with prescription medication. After the ClariVein procedure, you will need to wear compression stockings for a few weeks to ensure that the veins stay shut during the healing process.
Minimally invasive procedures that require a numbing injection
The most commonly used procedures require heat to seal off defective veins. Since applying heat can be painful, these procedures require a numbing injection beforehand. The numbing injection as such isn’t painful – it is just an additional needle prick – but the distension of skin layers from the anesthetic solution can an uncomfortable feeling.
3. Radiofrequency ablation
This procedure uses a radiofrequency device to produce heat. A flexible catheter, inserted into the defective vein, is used to deliver radiofrequency waves into the vein. Within the vein, these waves produce heat, which causes the vein walls to melt, scar and seal together.
4. Endovenous laser ablation
This procedure is very similar to radiofrequency ablation, except that it uses laser energy instead of radiofrequency waves to generate heat. Although ‘laser treatment’ for varicose veins is popularized online, the truth is, many vein doctors prefer radiofrequency ablation, because lase energy can be more intense, and therefore more uncomfortable than radiofrequency ablation. However, laser ablation is as effective as other minimally treatment options for treating varicose veins.
Best procedures for medium and small sized veins: Varithena and Sclerotherapy.
All the above procedures are targeted at the largest defective vein, or the parent vein, which are primarily responsible for your symptoms. However, you may also have medium or smaller veins that have been damaged. The smallest veins, such as spider veins, are treated by directly injecting liquid sclerosant into them. This technique is called sclerotherapy. Medium veins are treated using a technique called Varithena, in which foam=based sclerosant is injected directly into the veins.
Your vein doctor can help you decide what procedure you are best suited for.
Although we have ranked the above vein treatment procedures in order of preference, the truth is, each patient is unique, and while a particular treatment may be the best option for one patient, this may not be the case for another patient. Some patients may even need a combination of treatment procedures. Therefore, it is best to discuss all treatment options with your vein specialist, and come up with a tailored treatment plan together. This treatment plan would depend on several factors, including:
- Your past medical history
- The number of veins that are diseased, their size and location
- Your treatment comfort levels
- Your goals and expectations of treatment
- Your medical insurance – some of the more advanced treatments may not be covered.
Vein Treatment Clinic San Diego: Offering you the entire spectrum of minimally invasive varicose vein treatment.
The Vein Treatment Clinic offers state of the art, comprehensive care for varicose veins and spider veins. Our vein doctors, who are all highly experienced, board certified physicians, will work with you to put together a tailored treatment plan that suits your needs.
Our vein clinic is located in La Jolla, near the Torrey Pines beach State Park. You can book an appointment with our vein specialists at this location online, or by calling 858-859-9664.
To learn more about varicose veins, including the underlying disease that causes varicose veins and options for treatment, visit us at www.veintreatmentclinic.com/vein-diseases/varicose-veins/ Or to learn more about our vein clinics, visit the varicose vein information pages for our individual locations in New York, Long Island, New Jersey, California, and Texas.
Book a Consultation
Scheduling a consultation with one of our vein treatment experts is one of the best ways to determine the proper resolution for your varicose veins. The treatments can include sclerotherapy, laser or radiofrequency ablation, a medication called Varithena, or procedures such as Venaseal, or Clarivein.
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