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Numerous people live with a vascular disease. It occurs when our blood vessels are inflamed and weak and if there are fatty deposits in them. As the accumulation of these deposits takes years, symptoms of a vascular disease are seen when veins and arteries are severely damaged. The disease takes different forms depending on whether it’s the arteries or veins that are affected. When arteries are impaired, most people are diagnosed with PAD (Peripheral arterial disease) that causes arteries in legs to hurt. Here we will concentrate on the form of a vascular disease that affects leg veins: venous reflux disease. Also called venous insufficiency, this vascular vein disease occurs when there are faulty or non-existent valves in the veins.

As a result, some deoxygenated blood flows backwards and pools in veins while the rest makes it to the heart. Constant pooling of blood in leg veins puts vein walls under pressure, causing them to swell and twist. If you have noted large, swollen and twisted leg veins, call a great NYC vein doctor as you have varicose veins. As a matter of fact, go to the best vein treatment center in your area without delay. Treating venous insufficiency symptoms like varicose veins early is much recommended as it means that painful complications can be avoided later on.

Vascular vein disease risk factors

In other words, who is in danger of developing vascular vein disease? Men and women are at risk, although females are more prone to it than males. The reasons why females are in greater danger than males are because of their reproductive hormones and issues. When a woman gets pregnant, her probability of developing varicose veins and/or spider veins increases because of the extra weight she must bear and blood circulation difficulties. If a woman begins to take hormonal contraceptives to control pregnancy, her risk for developing abnormal leg veins increases too.

Additionally, when a lady reaches menopause, she experiences hormonal imbalances that might lead to a vein disease. Most women are humiliated by varicose veins and tend to visit the best vascular vein clinic to have them treated for cosmetic reasons. Besides being female, people who live with the chronic venous insufficiency condition have genes that make them more susceptible to it. They have family history of vascular disease of different forms: vascular vein disease, stroke, PAD, angina, heart attack, and more.

People who are overweight have a higher risk because the extra weight they carry can strain their legs a lot, including joints and blood vessels. Those who smoke as well as those who have a sedentary lifestyle can also develop varicosities. Moreover, anyone who has to work while standing or sitting down for several hours without a break will eventually develop varicose veins due to poor blood circulation. The aging process is mandatory not optional and sadly, it brings about health problems like the vascular vein disease, disc degeneration disease and more.

To reduce your risk, it’s important to change your current lifestyle. That is, start exercising to stay active, take frequent breaks when working, eat a balanced diet, and quit smoking and so on. It is also necessary to have your veins checked by the leading NYC vein doctor.

Symptoms and complications of a venous reflux disease

When your leg veins have faulty valves within them, there will be symptoms (although not always). When these are there, they include:

  • Varicose veins – These are enlarged veins with a twisted shape and dark purple or bluish tinge. These lumpy, rope-like veins are extremely visible and embarrassing to have.
  • Spider veins – These are tinier veins that look like blood capillaries. They have a spider web pattern, but sometimes look like a tree twig. Spider veins (also thread veins or telangiectasias) can be blue, red or purple and may go away on their own. When they hurt, people should go to a vascular vein clinic near them.
  • Heaviness and fatigue in legs – This tends to happen after a long day at work and gets better when legs are raised.
  • Achy cramps – For most people, cramps attack at night during sleep. These can hurt a lot.
  • Burning or throbbing pain – Most people with visible or invisible varicose veins experience this symptom.
  • Swelling – This will mostly affect the ankles and feet after hours of straining your legs.
  • Skin changes – These often happen in the late stage of the vascular vein disease. The skin can become stained, drier, thinner and/or itchy.

When one has strained their legs for too long, the above-mentioned symptoms tend to worsen. On the other hand, daily walks and elevation of legs can improve the symptoms. It is important to see a renowned NYC vein doctor, if your enlarged leg veins are becoming too painful, embarrassing and uncomfortable. Unless you have spider veins, make a point of seeing a good doctor the earliest you can. That’s because there is an underlying disease that will not stop advancing unless treatment is given. Do not wait until the skin over the affected veins becomes painful and irritated; call your NYC vein doctor if the ache at night is causing sleep disturbance.

After carrying out a diagnosis and discovering that you have varicose veins, your NYC Vein Doctor will begin a treatment plan that can work for you. If you disregard your symptoms and continue to live with varicose veins, at least consider wearing compression stockings to work. These are known to boost blood circulation and improve the appearance of abnormal leg veins. They cannot cure the underlying vascular vein disease though. You must see a good NYC vein doctor like Dr. Juan Montoya.

Complications of untreated venous insufficiency condition

Some people will not bother to seek medical help, if their varices or thread veins are not painful. There is also a percentage that will ignore the pain and forget all about seeing a vascular doctor if it disappears on its own. There is a huge price to pay later, however, if you ignore visiting a dependable vascular vein clinic near you. These will come in the form of complications that will cause a lot of discomfort and pain. The 3 main ones include the following:

1. Varicose eczema

An untreated vascular vein disease is known to cause varicose eczema. Alternatively called gravitational, venous or stasis eczema, this complication can be described as a skin disorder that develops on the lower leg. It lasts for a long time and affects mostly those who have varicose veins. To know you are beginning to develop this condition, check if your leg skin is itchy, dry and flaky, red and puffy or crusty. If these signs are there, then you have varicose eczema and should see a NYC vein doctor the soonest possible.

Sometimes these symptoms will get better. However, you should still be treated because there will be times when your symptoms will worsen. Spending the entire day standing or sitting down may make your legs swollen due to the strain. As well as having venous eczema, some people may experience the following:

  • Brown stains on skin
  • This refers to when the skin becomes red, tender, tight and hard.
  • Tiny white scars, also called atrophie blanche
  • Eczema might shift to other body parts too
  • Pain and discomfort

Having this symptom of chronic vascular vein disease checked by a specialist is much recommended. If medical help is ignored, a different complication may occur: venous ulcers. Concerning treatment, varicose eczema is hard to cure without a combination of methods: topical corticosteroids, compression stockings, emollients, exercise and elevation of legs. If these don’t provide a desirable result, you should see a dermatologist.

2. Venous Ulcers

As afore-said, venous eczema can worsen and provoke the development of leg ulcers. These are even more chronic and extremely hard to cure. A single venous ulcer can take up to four months to heal. These ulcers mostly affect the area between your calf and ankle. A leg ulcer causes pain, itch, and edema. Sometimes there is hardened or stained skin around this wound and it can produce bad smelling pus. If you think you have a leg ulcer, call a renowned NYC vein doctor now and discuss the matter with him or her.

After examining your open wounds physically and carrying out some tests to verify if you have another serious vascular disease, your vein expert will begin the treatment process. When there is an ulcer affecting the leg, there is a ninety percent chance that it’s a venous ulcer. That’s because a venous ulcer is extremely common and can develop after a small leg injury or due to an untreated vascular vein disease. One in fifty seniors over eighty years lives with a leg ulcer. So aging puts us in danger of developing this open sore.

As well as this, people who have had DVT (deep vein thrombosis) previously are at risk of having a leg ulcer. Moreover people who have walking difficulties due to leg trauma or injury, osteoarthritis, obesity and paralysis have a higher risk of having leg ulcers. Did you recently have your leg operated on? Do you live with varicose veins? If your answer is yes to any of the two questions, you stand a chance to have a venous ulcer.

The treatment procedure for venous ulcers involves cleaning and dressing of the wound. In addition, compression stockings are prescribed because they are known to boost blood flow in the legs. Bandages can help too, if wearing stockings is uncomfortable. To finish the infection, your NYC vein doctor will prescribe antibiotics. If venous insufficiency or any other underlying cause of your venous ulcers is not addressed, they might recur after healing.

In case you have not developed a leg ulcer or have healed one already, lose weight, wear compression stockings and elevate your legs when you come home from work. These simple measures will protect you from developing the painful venous ulcer. As there are other kinds of ulcers, including diabetic, arterial, traumatic, vasculitic and malignant ulcers, you should go to a reliable vascular vein clinic right now. The NYC Vein Doctor there will determine the type of leg ulcer you are suffering from.

3. Phlebitis

This complication of the vascular vein disease is rather common. It refers to inflammation of veins. This happens when blood has clotted inside a vein or vein walls are injured. When there is an inflamed vein closer to the skin surface, it is usually caused by a blood clot. The term used to refer to this sort of blood clotting is superficial thrombophlebitis.

It can be such a painful condition because it makes hard lumps to form under the skin surface. As well as lumps, superficial thrombophlebitis causes skin redness and mostly affects the lower leg. Having this problem is more annoying than fetal, as the clot can disappear on its own. Once the clot dissolves, the inflammation will as well come to an end. While superficial thrombophlebitis is painful, it doesn’t stop victims from walking almost comfortably.

If you have varicose veins or have had a blood clot before, you are likely to suffer from superficial thrombophlebitis. The treatment method entails a number of simple actions:

  • Elevate your affected leg to reduce edema
  • Exercise every day to improve blood circulation
  • Take pain killers to reduce pain and inflammation
  • Ask your NYC vein doctor if you can wear compression stockings
  • Use a cold compress over the aching vein to reduce swelling and pain
  • Use anti-inflammatory cream

When the inflammation ends, the skin may look darker and lumps might remain under the skin for up to four months. Surprisingly, you can recover fully once you begin treatment with a NYC vein doctor. To ensure that thrombophlebitis and the other two complications mentioned above don’t recur, always have your varicose veins treated professionally. Otherwise, if thrombophlebitis occurs in a varicose vein, there will be another episode if the vein is left untreated. Making this problematic vein disappear forever is a nice way to keep away this vascular vein disease complication.

Vascular Vein Disease Complications and the Best NYC Vein Doctor To SelectAndre