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How do I choose a good vein center in Long Island? A renowned vein doctor offers some advice.

spider and varicose vein treatment center

Varicose veins are among the most common vein diseases, affecting almost half of the American population. So, it is quite likely that at least some of you out there are seriously looking for a good vein center to get rid of these. This is where we come in! Read on to find out the most important factors to consider while choosing a good vein treatment center.

Does your Vein Center in Long Island offer minimally invasive treatment?

 Modern vein clinics always prefer treatment plans that use minimally invasive procedures. While ‘surgical procedures’ involve slicing your leg open, and physically removing the defective vein, ‘minimally invasive’ procedures involve blocking up the defective vein, so that blood can no longer flow through it. The idea is that once blood stops flowing through the vein, the body decides that it is no longer needed. This causes the varicose veins to shrink and disappear.

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Surgical procedures, such as ‘vein stripping’ or ambulatory phlebectomy’ to remove varicose veins are definitely effective, but they also come with a lot of drawbacks. The procedure itself can be painful, and you will need spinal or general anesthesia for it. This kind of anesthesia is more complicated than a simple numbing injection, and you may need several laboratory tests beforehand to determine if you’re healthy enough to receive it. You will need at least two incisions – one each at the top and bottom of your legs. Surgery also requires prolonged recovery time – it is usually two to three weeks before you can get back to your normal routine.

On the other hand, minimally invasive procedures can usually be performed comfortably with a simple numbing injection. The entire procedure is done under imaging guidance, and, apart from a tiny entry point for the catheter, no incisions are needed. Minimally invasive procedures require zero down time – you can literally walk out of the clinic and get back to your routine the same day.

Varicose and Spider Veins | Vein Diseases

Minimally invasive procedures do require more resources – like imaging technology, and other specialized devices. If your vein clinic lacks these resources, they may only offer surgical procedures. So be sure to choose a vein clinic that prefers minimally invasive treatment options! At the Vein Treatment Clinic, for instance, we offer only minimally invasive treatment options for both varicose veins and spider veins.

Are advanced options for minimally invasive treatment available at your Vein center in Long Island?

It isn’t enough that the vein clinic offers minimally invasive procedures. A top-quality vein clinic will offer the latest and most advanced procedures available on the market, for both varicose veins and spider veins. What are these procedures?

VenaSeal: This is the most cutting edge technique available today, because it does not even require skin numbing. Through a small catheter, small drops of medicated glue are applied throughout the vein. The vein doctor will apply pressure over the vein for a few minutes, and gently remove the catheter. The vein instantly seals off! This does not require a ‘healing process’ for the vein to seal off, unlike other minimally invasive procedures, so your recovery will be a lot more comfortable!

ClariVein: This is another state of the art technique that does not need numbing injections; however, it does require some healing time. A catheter with a rotating head is inserted into your defective vein. This disperses a medicated solution, called sclerosant, all through the vein in all directions. The sclerosant irritates the vein walls, and they swell and stick together.

Radiofrequency ablation: This procedure requires a small numbing injection beforehand, but it is most commonly used as it is a tried and tested procedure, that has proven safe, comfortable and effective. After your skin is numbed, the vein specialist accesses the defective vein through a catheter. Radiofrequency waves are passed along the catheter, which heats up the vein from within. The heat causes the vein walls to melt, scar and seal shut.

At the end of the day, the best procedure may vary for each person. Your body type, past medical history, treatment expectations and even insurance plans –all play a role in determining the best form of vein care for you. It is best to have an in-depth discussion with your vein physician and decide on this together.

The vein doctor at your chosen vein center in Long Island should be comfortable with minimally invasive procedures! 

Quite apart from the availability of procedures and resources, it is essential that the vein doctor who treats varicose veins be skilled at performing all minimally invasive procedures. Look up the experience the vein doctor has in performing similar procedures – the more, the better! Vein doctors who are at the top of their game usually have certifications from reputed bodies that attest to their skill. For instance, our vein doctor in Long Island, Dr. Caroline Novak, has a certified diplomate from the American Board of Vein Medicine. She is also a certified expert in vascular imaging, which comes in handy, as minimally invasive procedures rely heavily on imaging technology.

The Vein Treatment Clinic in Long Island is conveniently located east of Jones Beach State Park, just a few minutes from the Southern state Parkway. If you would like to fix an appointment with our vein specialists at this location, you can call 201-275-0443 or book an appointment online.

To learn more about our accredited vein centers, please visit www.veintreatmentclinic.com. Our spider and varicose vein treatment clinics are certified by the IAC as vascular imaging centers and vein treatment centers of excellence. We have local affiliates in New York, Long Island, New Jersey, Texas and California, all of which are held to the highest standards of patient-centered, compassionate, care. We offer the latest technology at every location, and our harvard-trained medical directors lead a collaborative effort to ensure the best outcome for every patient we meet.

Book a Consultation

Scheduling a consultation with one of our vein treatment experts is one of the best ways to determine the proper resolution for your varicose veins. The treatments can include sclerotherapy, laser or radiofrequency ablation, a medication called Varithena, or procedures such as Venaseal, or Clarivein.

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How do I choose a good vein center in Long Island? A renowned vein doctor offers some advice.VTC